I made a skeleton football game [here] for Massey University’s Engineering open days and student outreach. It was successful, therefore the engineering department commissioned me to make another similar demo. In a similar manner, this demo, uses a webcam and TensorFlow’s pre-trained PoseNet [here] to track the player’s pose. When the player flaps their arms, the bird’s wings flap and apply an upward force. Gravity constantly pulls them down causing a need for flapping. When the player leans their body, the bird leans and moves horizontally. The aim is to fly as far as possible without hitting any trees.
The game is written in JavaScript, making use of three.js [here] for 3D rendering. The models were either made programmatically from basic shapes or made in Blender. Whilst the project is finished, there is still potential for improvements. In particular, the parameters used for translating the arm motion to upward lift would benefit from further tuning.